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Grandstream GXP-2000 Internet telephone

Pre-order GXP-2000 phone

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Specifications (Eng)
User Manual (Eng)








GXP-2000 is 4-line enterprise SIP telephone that is feature rich, easy to use, supports integrated power-over-Ethernet and is competitively priced. The GXP2000 is an ideal IP phone for both the small business and the enterprise customer. The GXP2000 offers dual 10M/100Mbps Ethernet ports, intuitive user interfaces, large back-lit graphical LCD display with support for multiple languages, security and privacy protection.

  • Expandable, secure and easy to manage
  • Superior audio quality, 4 individual SIP accounts, 7 programmable keys, visual message indicator, full duplex hands-free speakerphone
  • Screen content customization using XML
  • Automated phone book synchronization with directory server using XML
  • Broad interoperability with most 3rd party SIP products


For more technical and/or pricing information about GXP-2000 please contact IXO sales team.

Because each organization's network is different, IXO offers the telephone set up consultation, which includes on-site installation (minimal charge of 50 euro). Further technical support services are also available.

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