Партнёрство "SIP-оборудование" |
Назад на 'Для бизнес-партнёров' Заработайте ещё больше с помощью нашей дистрибьютерской программы For VoIP operators and service providers, becoming an IXO SIP equipment distributor offers the potential for relatively rapid high earnings with low additional costs. We offer greater incentives to companies who provide customers with full support from the beginning of the sales process all the way through hardware installation and maintenance. The SIP Equipment distribution program is designed to make it easy for distributors to buy and resell hardware from IXO. The program structure will result in a win-win relationship between us and distributor partners. Типы оборудования, предлагаемого для программы |
интегрированное решение "голос +видео +факс +данные" для малого и среднего бизнеса
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