Партнёрство "VoIP сервис-провайдер"

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SIP платформа "под ключ" для вашего телеком-бизнеса

With our сервис-провайдер partnership program membership, you can create new opportunities and achieve your objectives of starting or expanding your own VoIP / SIP multimedia services business. Leverage our unique resources to get a complete service platform for long-term competitive advantage of your business with no investments.  
Why we call it the “Virtual Operator” program as well? Because you get your own virtual full-size service platform with all components you might need. This program offers you maximum of operational flexibility and independence from IXO.

If you are interested in a more close type of partnering with IXO, please refer to our VoIP реселлер program.

Что именно вы получаете  

  • All-in-one product, which contains all components VoIP service provider needs to do its own business
  • Powerful hosted billing system for VoIP, TDM telephony and ISP with full 4-tier billing scheme
  • Central management / provisioning point for all your services
  • Tools for flexible price policy
  • Wide range of ready-to-use products for multiple end-users of any type (Corporate, Residential, Callshops, Hotels, Call Centers, Calling Card distributors, Call back users etc.)
  • Direct interconnections with international traffic carries*
  • “Plug-and-use” customer payment center (main credit cards, web banking and other payment solutions)*
* optional service

Кому адресована эта программа

  • VoIP service providers, who like to avoid any investments in their own set of VoIP equipment, in-house billing system, servers, software, and technical supporting staff
  • VoIP service providers who operate their own TDM switch, softswitch, or VoIP gateways
  • Growing VoIP resellers who are going to provide their customers with new services and have sub-resellers
  • Startup IP telephony operators targeting to highly competitive NGN services


For more technical or pricing information about IXO solutions for Virtual Operator partnership please contact our partner relations team.

Как стать партнёром по программе "VoIP Сервис-провайдер / Виртуальный оператор"

Simply complete one form and you will be promptly contacted by our Partner relations manager who will help you develop your requirements and discuss all of your options.

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Решение для VoIP реселлеров

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интегрированное решение "голос +видео +факс +данные" для малого и среднего бизнеса

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